SeaGlass offers a variety of retreats that support our mission

These retreats support various spiritual milestones for our members. If you are looking to go deeper in your faith, a retreat offers you the opportunity to unplug and connect with the healing and restoration found in our God.

  • Armor Bearer Fully Alive

    “Above all else guard your heart for out of the heart flow all the issues of life – Proverbs 4:23”. We set aside a few days to allow God to speak to the hearts and lives of men and women. It’s a time dedicated to allowing men and women to find their true identity, purpose, and destiny while connecting intimately with their loving Father.

  • Centurions

    A four-day event based on the story of the Roman Centurion, who Jesus helped by healing his servant and even marveling at his faith. This event is based on finding our true identity and destiny in Christ, as well as understanding the authority and power of Christ to accomplish that in us. Centurions is a journey to access and release the Christ man or Christ woman inside each of us, a quest for who He created us to be from before our birth.

  • Father's Heart

    Take time to come away and explore the Father's Heart, to hear His voice, celebrate the gifts He's placed inside you, and step forward into where He is calling. 

  • The Quest Life

    Quest is a 5.5-day encounter with the Lord that sets you on a course to uncover the truth, unlock your identity, and unleash the powerful, purposeful life you were created for.

Not sure where to start?